Writer’s Block. Could it be Caused by Your Own Expectations?

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Yesterday I read a brilliant answer on Quora. The question was from a teenager who wanted to know how he could get over his inability to talk to girls. The answer was provided by Melonie Purcell, one of my editing clients who also happens to be a school counselor so I find the majority of her answers to be right on the money.

Part of her answer was as follows: …often times when folks struggle striking up conversations with the gender they are attracted to, the problem is actually in your head. Literally. You’re over thinking it. You are going up to this girl, thinking about all the things you should say correctly to get her to like you and then all the ways you can mess that up.

I honestly think a lot of times, so-called writer’s block works the same way. We are so determined to write the best goldarn piece of fiction ever written we can’t think of a single thing that matches that criteria. If instead, we concentrate on just getting words on the paper or screen we can come back later and make it better. The blank page can only be improved by putting words on it while once the words are in place we have a starting point for improvement.

Check out Melonie Purcell’s books on Amazon:

Shield of Drani (World of Drani Book 1)

and   Hand and Talon (World of Kyrni Book 1)

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