5 Tell-Tale Signs of an Amateur Self-Published Book

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by Anne R. Allen

When you’re confined to a hospital bed for several months the way I was last summer, you read a lot of books. During my 2+ months of medical incarceration, I read pretty much everything loaded onto my trusty old Kindle (over 200 titles.)

Often I didn’t remember how the books got there. I’d just start reading where Amazon plunked me down.

But it’s amazing how soon I could tell a book was an amateur effort. Sometimes I stuck around to read the rest of the book for story, but often I just clicked away.

Do note: I think it’s important to make a distinction between an amateur self-published book and one from a professional indie author. Few people can tell the difference between a book self-published by a pro and one from a traditional publishing house.

But amateurs tend to fly some red flags early on to let the reader know they’re kind of winging the whole publishing thing.

Read the rest of this article at: annerallen.com

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