An Upcoming Writer’s Motivational Guide to Writing

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In a world full of writers and literature junkies, it can be easy to get caught up in the charade of standstills with your latest written piece. A novel, a book of poetry and that last book report all left you with your mind full of anger and you just want to vanquish the roadblocks in every meaning of the word “writing”.

I took to the world of Instagram and Twitter to ask some self-published and traditionally published authors on the advice they would give to someone who needs some motivation towards their next literary work of art.

SB Maamari is an author, writer and visionary creator who posts on Instagram under @sb.maamari. Maamari advises new writers to let their writing be natural and never force an idea when it isn’t there.

“Write only when inspiration hits you,” says Maamari. “ If you write because you feel the obligation to, it will feel more like work rather than enjoying the journey.”


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