Lauren Billings and Christina Hobbs.
It worked: Together they’ve written 10 New York Times best-selling novels, they’ve been translated into 28 languages, and the projects keep piling on. They recently completed a rewrite on the script for Beautiful Bastard — the novel that started it all, first appearing online as Twilight-inspired fan fiction called The Office — which sold two years ago to Constantin Film. They’ve got Dark Wild Night — the third book in their critically acclaimed Wild Seasons series — coming out today, and YA paranormal romance novel The House — their first to receive a Kirkus starred review — out next month.
And more: The pair have just signed a new contract with Gallery Books for three novels — two stand-alone titles (summer 2016, spring 2017), and the final book in the Beautiful series (fall 2016) — plus one e-novella, Beautiful Boss (February 2016). It’s an exciting time to be Christina Lauren, yes — but maybe even more so to be their fan.
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