Monday Musings: “About That Call”

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Hi everyone! I know it’s been a long time since I posted a “Monday Musing” but I’m finally in a good place to stop and actually write something coherent after being way knee-deep in drafting a new book.

A disturbing issue has recently come up online I want to discuss. With the recent slew of posts about “bad practices” from literary agents, I want to go back over some thoughts about what it means to query and what you should be asking and researching when you decide to sign on the dotted line with an agent.

Again, I get it, but remember you have worked your butt off on that book. You want to make sure it gets into the right hands. To ensure that happens, you need to develop a plan. You can’t just open “Query Tracker” and randomly pick people who rep. YA. Nope. You need to make sure you are seeking out those who represent your genre, too. Not all agents who rep. YA take all genres. Some may only be looking for fantasy or contemporary. It is your job to dig deep into research and find those agents who want your type of manuscript. The quickest way to get rejected is to submit a manuscript with a category and/or genre an agent does not represent.


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