Penny Candy Books is a publishing company focused on children’s picture books that was founded in 2015 by two poets who met in graduate school. It is a newer company but they seem off to a good start with interviews in various established publications and by publishing eight books, most to positive reviews by places like Kirkus. Their plan from here on out is to publish 5-8 books a year.
Their mission statement is as follows “Penny Candy’s mission is to publish children’s literature that reflects the diverse realities of the world we live in, both at home and abroad. This means seeking out books by and about people and subjects that speak to a broad range of human experience.”
On their submission page they go into further detail “In the spirit of penny candy, Penny Candy Books offers affordable, eye-catching children’s books that promote the value of diversity—in authors, characters & stories, and readers. We believe children’s literature must reflect the diverse realities of the world we live in. We’re interested in complex stories that raise questions rather than simplistic stories with easy answers. Kids are too smart for the latter. ”
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