Is your query letter good enough to make an editor fall in love with you?
Admit it or not, you’re probably at least a little emotionally invested in that query letter when you send it off to an editor.
You work hard on it, interview sources, research, and chip away at writing the perfect lead and headline.
And it would be nice to get a little something in return. Right?
An email. A phone call. A text message. A letter in the mail. Smoke signals. Anything that let’s you know your query letter hit home when the editor read your pitch. Or even better than that…a contract.
But let’s face it. Sometimes the writer-editor relationship is, well, complicated. You put your heart and soul into a story idea, send it off, and nothing happens.
So how do you write a query letter that gets you noticed? Here are 15 tips to make an editor fall in love with your pitch:
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