How To Gather Ideas, Turn Them Into A Novel – & Finish It

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In her third article for Writers & Artists, Nail Your Novel author Roz Morris gives her advice for researching and developing your book ideas.

Writing a novel is a lengthy undertaking. Many novices launch in, compelled to write by an idea, a situation, a character or a world. But often the story runs out of steam; they paint themselves into a corner and invent so much they can’t keep it under control.

The answer is surprisingly simple. We have methods. Systems.

No two authors will be alike, of course. Writers’ modus operandi are as individual as our imaginations. And that’s aside from the odd artistic idiosyncrasy such as a love for a particular pen or battered laptop, the need for coffee fumes, or a yen for monastic silence.

Different as we all are, there are certain things most of us do to get from Chapter 1 to The End.


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